Tera's May 1 st launch date is just around the corner, and we all know what this means: the open beta test function and head start hello! Swarms of entertainment has released a full schedule, lead to the game of launch function, so players can go in front, and the plan when to call in sick to go to work.
The player's game will have the ability to log in order in years April 13 th and April 17 th to create their first character and that they would get what they want name. The open beta will start game soon, and make an appointment customers will once again get day of competition, because they have the ability in the April 19 th landing began. On April 20 th, will be open to the public for testing, it will last for three days until April 23 rd. Finally, the client will be an appointment last started in April 28 th, allow them three days to explore the world Arborea window before May 1 st is open to all. So hone your blade, string you bow, and ready to your spell, Arboreans. We'll see you on the other side.